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A few facts about slip-and-fall accidents

On Behalf of | Dec 22, 2017 | Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Numerous New York residents have been hurt in accidents where they slipped and fell. Slip-and-fall accidents send over one million people to hospital emergency rooms every year. Here are some other common facts about such incidents.

Slip-and-fall accidents are common in the workplace. Such events are the primary cause of employees missing days of work. Many workers’ compensation claims are filed for injuries suffered in slip\-and\-fall accidents.

For elderly Americans, hip fractures are the most commonly suffered injury in slip-and-fall accidents. This type of injury is difficult from which to recover. Half of those elderly individuals who suffer such injuries are unable to return home and require admittance into a care facility.

Flooring and flooring materials are believed to contribute to approximately two million slip-and-fall accidents every year. Uneven surfaces, wet floors, icy sidewalks, poorly laid rugs and a number of other flooring issues can cause a person to trip, slip and fall. It is up to property owners to ensure flooring is free of hazards.

When New York residents are injured in slip-and-fall accidents — whether at work, on private property or on commercial property — they may not know where to turn for help. They may not even know what type of assistance or compensation is available to them. The simple truth is, if such an accident was the result of another person’s negligence, the victim may have legal recourse. With the assistance of an experienced attorney, one may pursue any legal actions deemed appropriate in order to seek maximum relief for any damages sustained.

Source:, “Slip and Fall Quick Facts“, Accessed on Dec. 16, 2017


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