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Multiple-car accidents can easily lead to fatalities

On Behalf of | Jun 14, 2017 | Car Accidents

Collisions between vehicles can occur in an instant. Car accidents can be particularly devastating when multiple vehicles are involved. These types of crashes may even lead to fatalities. A faculty member of a New York university was recently killed in a serious crash that involved several cars.

Police stated that the victim and the other drivers involved were traveling on the New York State Thruway when a box truck struck the rear of the victim’s vehicle. The impact caused her car to hit several other cars ahead of her. It is unclear what initially caused the truck to hit the victim’s car.

In total, five vehicles were involved in the collision. Police report that one victim died at the scene. One other person suffered minor injuries and was taken to the hospital. It is unknown whether any criminal charges will be filed against the driver believed to have caused the crash.

The family of the deceased victim may consider filing a wrongful death claim against the driver of the box truck as well as the driver’s employer. If their claim successfully proves negligence on behalf of that driver, the family could be awarded monetary damages that could help pay for funeral costs and any other financial expenses related to the incident. Any New York residents who have lost loved ones in car accidents could consult experienced personal injury attorneys to discover any legal avenues they may be able to pursue. Attorneys could also provide guidance to clients throughout any future litigation.

Source:, “Rochester woman killed in five-car crash on Thruway“, Ngoc Huynh, June 9, 2017


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