Slipping, falling and suffering injuries can negatively affect one's life -- personally and professionally. Eugenie Bouchard, a tennis pro, found this out when she was hurt after slipping and falling in the locker room at the 2015 U.S. Open which was hosted at the...
Slip-and-Fall Accidents
Slip-and-fall accidents Q and A
Accidents happen on private or public property that can leave people with emotional, physical and financial wounds. Slip-and-fall accidents are particularly common in New York and elsewhere. This week, this column will address some common questions that victims of...
A few facts about slip-and-fall accidents
Numerous New York residents have been hurt in accidents where they slipped and fell. Slip-and-fall accidents send over one million people to hospital emergency rooms every year. Here are some other common facts about such incidents. Slip-and-fall accidents are common...
Seek relief after winter-related slip-and-fall accidents
Winter is fast approaching. Soon, sidewalks and streets will be covered in ice, water will be tracked onto store floors, and walking will not be as safe as it usually is. Slip-and-fall accidents increase in the winter time. Those in New York who are injured in such...
Many slip-and-fall accidents involve ladders
Homeowners, painters, construction workers and others in New York often have occasions to use ladders. These useful tools come in various sizes and weights, some able to be extended to towering heights. Slip-and-fall accidents often occur, resulting in severe...
Elderly individuals and indoor slip-and-fall accidents
As people get older, it is natural to lose strength and balance. As a result, older people are more likely to fall. These falls can cause serious or even catastrophic injuries. Unfortunately, there are times when a slip and fall accident could have been prevented....
Slip-and-fall accidents: Wet mat on showroom floor leads to claim
New York residents who suffered injuries in incidents that occurred on properties of other parties may have questions about their rights to recover the damages they suffered. For injured victims to have viable claims, negligence on the part of the property owner must...
Slip-And-Fall Accidents: What to do immediately after the fall
Thousands of consumers in New York and other states suffer injuries every year while they are out shopping. Many of these injuries result from slip\-and\-fall accidents. Victims may realize that they may pursue claims for compensation for damages suffered in such an...