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Unnecessary C-sections come with a high risk of complications

On Behalf of | Feb 14, 2022 | Medical Malpractice

Most women preparing to give birth across New York and the rest of the nation hope to do so in a traditional manner. Delivery a baby vaginally comes with a lower chance of complications than a Cesarean section delivery. Yet, some U.S. hospitals are performing C-sections at sky-high rates that exceed World Health Organization recommendations. Many of them are doing so even though these deliveries create more risks for both mothers and their babies.

According to USA Today, the World Health Organization asserted that the ideal rate for C-section deliveries is between 10% and 15% of all births.

C-section delivery statistics

As of 2018, about 31% of all births in the United States were C-section deliveries. In some hospitals across the nation, C-section birth rates were as high as 60%. Some deliveries warrant C-sections to protect the mother or baby. Yet, other times, hospitals perform these deliveries because they cost much more than traditional, nonsurgical births, leading to higher profits. Also concerning is the fact that research shows there is no correlation between hospitals that have higher C-section rates and those hospitals having improved outcomes for mothers or babies.

C-section delivery risks

Women who deliver infants via C-section are 80% more likely to experience complications than mothers who deliver their babies vaginally. Mothers who are in their mid-to-late 30s or older are especially at risk. Common complications associated with C-section births include infections, blood clots, hemorrhaging, surgical injuries, bad reactions to anesthesia and enhanced dangers in future deliveries.

Women who plan to deliver their children at particular hospitals may want to research their C-section birth rates before doing so.


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