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What are the types of pictures you need at a car crash scene?

On Behalf of | Sep 28, 2023 | Car Accidents

When it comes to documenting a car crash scene, obtaining the right types of photographs is important. These images serve as key pieces of evidence that can greatly impact investigations, insurance claims and ultimately, justice.

Knowing the key categories of pictures that are indispensable at a car crash scene can help you.

Overview shots

Overview shots are images capturing the entire crash scene. These photographs provide a context for the incident, depicting the positions of vehicles, road conditions and traffic signs. These wide-angle shots serve as the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of the accident’s dynamics.

Vehicle damage

Zooming in and documenting the extent of vehicle damage is a step you should take. Photographs should capture each vehicle involved from multiple angles, emphasizing the impact zones, shattered glass and deployed airbags. Close-ups of license plates, vehicle identification numbers and any relevant stickers or decals can also be invaluable.

Tire marks and skid patterns

Examine the road surface meticulously for tire marks and skid patterns. These marks can offer insights into the vehicle’s speed, braking and maneuvering leading up to the collision. Photographs should include measurements or reference points to provide a scale for analysis.

Injuries and medical attention

In cases where injuries happen, documenting the injured parties is important. Photographs should depict visible injuries, bruises, cuts or abrasions, as well as any medical personnel providing assistance. These images help establish the severity of injuries and the immediate medical response.

Intersection and traffic control devices

If the crash occurred at an intersection, capturing photographs of traffic lights, stop signs and road signs can help you. These images can clarify who had the right of way and whether any parties involved disobeyed traffic regulations.

Weather and lighting conditions

Noting the time is also important since it may help you remember how dark or light it was outside. As of 2021, most car crashes happen from 4 p.m. to 7:59 p.m.

The weather at the time of the accident is a significant factor. Photographs should include shots of the sky, weather conditions and the position of the sun, moon or artificial lighting. These details can aid in determining if weather or visibility played a role in the crash.

Debris and vehicle parts

You should document any debris, scattered vehicle parts or personal belongings strewn across the crash scene. These images can assist in reconstructing the sequence of events and identifying contributing factors.

Momentarily putting aside the worry and stress you may experience can help you stay proactive after a collision. Making it a priority to take pictures while at the scene is a way to channel that energy into something important.


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