Most people involved in a car accident turn to their insurance companies for financial protection and support. After all, that is what insurance is for. However, what many individuals may not realize is that insurance companies, like any other business, are...
Car Accidents
Exploring the three types of personal injury compensation
According to the New York Department of Health, auto accidents account for about $1.1 billion a year in medical costs. While not every case is due to the actions of someone else, many of those dollars represent people who were victims. Suffering an injury due to...
What are the types of pictures you need at a car crash scene?
When it comes to documenting a car crash scene, obtaining the right types of photographs is important. These images serve as key pieces of evidence that can greatly impact investigations, insurance claims and ultimately, justice. Knowing the key categories of pictures...
Older adults and auto accident injuries
It is essential to pay close attention to different risks that you face as an older adult, such as falling down, possible side effects of medications you take and age-related health concerns. In addition, you should focus on road safety and understand the dangers you...
What are the biggest mistakes people make after a crash?
Getting into a car crash is one of the scariest situations that a driver could find themselves in. Because of the high state of panic and adrenaline, it is not uncommon for a person to make mistakes when handling a crash scenario. Thus, it is crucial for drivers to...
Recovering from a hoverboard accident
Whether you enjoy riding a hoverboard or your child regularly uses one of these devices and you have concerns about their safety, it is essential to go over safety issues and understand how prevalent accidents involving hoverboards actually are. While using a...
5 signs of a potential brain injury after a car accident
After a car accident, it is important to be aware of the signs of a brain injury, as they can have serious implications for one's health and well-being. While some brain injuries may be immediately evident, others may manifest gradually. Here are some common signs to...
How does gender affect car crash fatality rates?
Car accident fatalities happen because a variety of factors affect the type of injuries different people receive, such as gender. While not all deaths occur only because of gender, the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety reports that men die much more often in car...
What qualifies a crash victim for pain and suffering damages?
You have likely heard how some injured auto accident victims receive a pain and suffering award on top of other accident damages. Now that you have suffered severe injuries in a crash, you want to find out if these damages are possible in your case. Although it is...
How much could an SCI cost you over a lifetime?
A particularly severe car accident may result in a spinal cord injury. Very few people suffering from an SCI that impacts their motor functions experience a 100% recovery, meaning you may need healthcare support for the rest of your life. The overall lifetime costs of...